: weight

美 [weɪt]英 [weɪt]
  • n.重量;分量;重物;砝码
  • v.在…上加重量;使负重;(用重物)固定;使加权

复数:weights 现在分词:weighting 过去式:weighted

: weight: weight

: weight

n. v.

重being heavy

1.[u][c]重量;分量how heavy sb/sth is, which can be measured in, for example, kilograms or pounds

2.[u]重the fact of being heavy

重物heavy object

3.[c]重物an object that is heavy

4.[c](用于固定某物或用作机器部件的)重体,重物an object used to keep sth in position or as part of a machine


5.[sing]~ (of sth)重任;重担;重压;压力a great responsibility or worry


6.[u]重要性;影响力;实力importance, influence or strength

测量;举重for measuring/lifting

7.[c][u]重量单位;衡制a unit or system of units by which weight is measured

8.[c]砝码;秤砣;秤锤;杠铃片;哑铃a piece of metal that is known to weigh a particular amount and is used to measure the weight of sth, or lifted by people to improve their strength and as a sport


take the weight off your feet

(尤指疲乏时)坐下歇歇脚,坐下喘口气to sit down and rest, especially when you are tired

throw your weight about/around

仗势欺人;盛气凌人to use your position of authority or power in an aggressive way in order to achieve what you want

throw/put your weight behind sth

鼎力支持;全力相助to use all your influence and power to support sth

weight of numbers

人多势众;团队力量(或影响)the combined power, strength or influence of a group
